Update on COVID-19 Measures at Harbor Park Garage

On: In: News, Parking Guides, The Parking Garage

Harbor Park GarageLike everyone else in Baltimore and around the world, the team here at Harbor Park Garage has been closely watching the news over the past few weeks, tracking the spread of coronavirus and following measures taken to minimize its impact.

We know this time is stressful for Baltimoreans, as we are all uncertain about COVID-19’s potential impact on our health, our healthcare system, and our economy. Here at Harbor Park, we are taking steps to maximize the safety of everyone who comes in and out of the garage from a health standpoint and to minimize the economic impact coronavirus will have on our employees.

Safety & Sanitation

As we shared earlier this month, during this time, we have tweaked our approach to safety and sanitation to keep the garage, our staff, and our customers as healthy and germ-free as possible.

We have revised the work schedules of our associates, so there is only one person in the office at a given time, and we have a fair and lenient sick policy in place, so everyone can stay home if they think they are sick. In addition, employees with higher health risks have had their schedules adjusted so they can work from home or in locations at safer distances from others.

For an overview of other aspects of our current approach, including our approach to the sanitation of shared spaces, check out this blog post:



At Harbor Park, we are a family, which means that now, more than ever, we care about taking care of one another. Though we have adjusted employee schedules to maximize health safety, we have guaranteed all employees 40 hours of pay, regardless of the number of hours they actually work during a week. We don’t want anyone worrying about how to make rent.

We are using this time, while the garage is quieter, to deep clean and make improvements like painting and power washing certain areas. This keeps us busy and helps keep our service providers in business – and means when you come back to the garage, it will be clean as can be.

More Information about Harbor Park Garage & COVID-19

Harbor Park Garage is located at 55 Market Place in downtown Baltimore. During this emergency, Harbor Park is offering $10 all-day parking, every day.

Parking_Panda_LogoIf you are heading to the garage, we encourage you to use Parking Panda to pay in advance, so you can minimize touchpoints in the garage:

https://www.parkingpanda.com/baltimore-parking/55-market-pl-2#startTime=&endTime=CDC_LogoFor more information and updates about COVID-19 throughout the country and world, visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website:

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.htmlMaryland_Department_of_HealthFor information about COVID-19 in Maryland, visit the Maryland Department of Health website:
