.. If you're a National Aquarium member, we want to thank you! That's why we're offering an exclusive parking rate just for members - saving you 50% off the regular price. You can park all day (8a to midnight) for just $14! Every day, the National Aquarium relies on the support of its members to help fulfill its mission to inspire the conservation of the world's aquatic treasures. Members contribute financial support, time, and resources to help keep the doors open and the exhibits fresh. As the official parking partner, we are deeply grateful to members for their dedication and support of our treasured National Aquarium. Visit our National Aquarium News & Events for details about this venue. Did you know that Baltimore’s Jones Falls is a vital waterway and lifeline running through... Feeling the Beat Autumn is a fantastic time in Baltimore City, as the temperatures (and... Harbor Park Garage and the National Aquarium! Baltimore is home to many treasures, but none... Celebrating 43 Years of Hopeful Changes at the National Aquarium! At the heart of Baltimore’s... If you find yourself in downtown Baltimore this summer, you’re in luck. Whether you’re heading... A Perfect Day Trip Near Harbor Park Garage Are you planning a visit to Baltimore's... Hello, Baltimore! Ready for the bi-decade cicada serenade? This year, a dual emergence of Brood... Embrace Nature's MarvelGreetings, fellow explorers and friends of the Harbor!As the heart of Baltimore's vibrant... Uncover Family TreasuresHello, Harbor Park explorers! As the amber leaves of autumn cascade down, painting... Embark on an underwater adventure at the National Aquarium, Baltimore, where the ocean’s most fascinating... As the calendar turns and the cherry blossoms start to bloom, downtown Baltimore comes alive... Once upon a time, an invitation to party with the fishies was a... As the temperatures cool down and the seasons change from summer to autumn, downtown Baltimore... National Aquarium's new Immersive Audiovisual Journey experience lets you explore biodiversity like never before. National... Harbor Park Garage, located in downtown Baltimore, has announced a new, official partnership with the... The National Aquarium is lifting the guest vaccine requirement beginning Friday, February 25. Guests will... But don't worry about parking, we have you covered. Beginning January 25, guests ages 12... After a year of COVID-related closures, postponements, and stops and starts, downtown Baltimore businesses and... Activities and attractions in downtown Baltimore continue to reopen, as the state’s positive COVID test... This year, back to school season in Baltimore (and all over the country) looks a... After months at home with the kids, exploring the backyard or basement again starts to... It’s high summer here in Baltimore and when you’re a city located right on the... Phish fans with kids: this one is for you. On Saturday, June 8, a few... Dive Deep at the National Aquarium this Spring Springtime is an ideal time of year... Learn about jellies research and New Year’s resolutions for the planet! Introducing the Atlantic... Happy Manatee Awareness Month! November has been deemed Manatee Awareness Month to help promote the... Color-Changing Cephalopods Octopuses, along with several other molluscan members of the Cephalopoda class, are masters... Animal Rescue Update: After spending several months at our Animal Care Center, Luna the juvenile... Make Way for Pufflings! We’re excited to welcome three new puffin chicks—Gnocchi, Viola and Willow—to... It’s summertime in the city – and that means tons of fun activities for locals... It’s Sea Turtle Week and15th National Aquarium Anniversary! Celebrate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s... Which Evolved First: The Jelly or the Sponge? Recent genetics research debunked a widely-accepted... So You Want to be a Marine Scientist The marine science field offers lots of... Vote for National Aquarium Best Aquarium A walk through the National Aquarium, located in a... More Than Meets the Eye Researchers now know that the white-and-black splotches that give spotted... Another season of the Read to Reef book club with Enoch Pratt Free Library started... The National Aquarium community is mourning the loss of Nani, the oldest of our Atlantic... Chesapeake Bay Shows Signs of Health Published February 01, 2017 A report released last month... A Moment of Zen You can now tune into our Jellies Invasion exhibit from anywhere... A Side-by-Side Comparison The mix-up is understandable—both puffins and penguins are black-and-white sea birds, have... Loggerhead Update: We Have a New Hatchling! After Sheldon’s release in North Carolina last week,... Our Happy Halloween is over, though scary topics, from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to... August 2016 is National Aquarium's membership month. We are almost at the end yet... Just north of us, in Philadelphia, the atmosphere is heating up – thanks, in large... Say Hello to the Honeycomb Cowfish This odd-looking fish was recently added to our Lurking... As we settle down, following a fourth of July full of celebrations of the birth... Throughout the week, the National Aquarium will be taking our Facebook fans behind the scenes... Throughout the week, the National Aquarium will be taking our Facebook fans behind the scenes... Throughout the week, the National Aquarium will be taking our Facebook fans behind the scenes... Coming into Baltimore from Virginia and points south take the following route: Coming into Baltimore from the DC area take the following route: Coming into Baltimore from Philadelphia and points north of Baltimore take the following route: Coming into Baltimore from Harrisburg, PA. and points west take the following route: Coming from the Canton area: Harbor Park Garage by distance and time is the closest to the National Aquarium. It is 0.2 miles from the garage and it is only 3 minutes by foot. Visit our The National Aquarium Calendar for more info. At Harbor Park Garage we offer an Baltimore Aquarium parking discount. Come to Harbor Park Garage for safe and secure Inner Harbor parking centrally located to all of the attractions. Whether you need parking for the National Aquarium or Baltimore National Aquarium parking, you can count on our Inner Harbor Parking Garage for great rates and convenient location.
The address and contact info of National Aquarium is:
501 E Pratt St
(410) 576-3800.
Harbor Park Garage Welcomes National Aquarium Members
Latest News for Baltimore National Aquarium Parking
Discover The Jones Falls
Gearing Up for Fall in Downtown Baltimore
Dive into the Oceans’ Unsung Heroes
Dive into 2024
Welcoming Summer in Downtown Baltimore
Exploring the Depths of Baltimore Aquarium
Escape the Cicada Chorus at Inner Harbor with Harbor Park Garage!
The Harbor Wetland Experience Awaits
November Fun-Filled Adventures Near Harbor Park Garage!
Dive into Special Events at the National Aquarium with Convenient Parking at Harbor Park Garage!
Springtime Fun in Downtown Baltimore
Party With The Fishies – Voyages: Chapter 2
Baltimore Beats – Inner Harbor Concerts and Events – Sept 12 to Sept 18
Voyages: Chapter One – An Immersive Audiovisual Journey August 4, 2022
Harbor Park Garage Welcomes National Aquarium Volunteers & members
National Aquarium Lifts COVID Vaccine Mandate
Proof of Vaccination Required for National Aquarium Guests Ages 12 and Older!
Downtown Baltimore Blooms Again this Spring
For Families, Downtown Baltimore Is Fun this Fall
During Back to School Season, Continue Kids’ Education in Downtown Baltimore
What to Do with Kids in Downtown Baltimore in 2020
Get out on the Water in Downtown Baltimore
Family Fun with Phish Tribute Band: Phoam
Dive Deep at the National Aquarium this Spring
The National Aquarium: Water Blog January 2018
The National Aquarium: Water blog November 2017
The National Aquarium: Water blog
The National Aquarium: Water blog
National Aquarium: Waterblog September 2017
Summertime is Fun Time in Baltimore
National Aquarium: Waterblog June 2017
National Aquarium: Waterblog May 2017
National Aquarium: Waterblog April 2017
Help make National Aquarium #1
The National Aquarium: Waterblog – Feb to May 2017 Events
The National Aquarium: Waterblog – March 2017 Events
Mourning the loss of Nani
The National Aquarium: Waterblog
The National Aquarium
The National Aquarium: Waterblog
The National Aquarium: What’s New
Family Fun Abounds this November at Port Discovery & the National Aquarium
HPG Celebrates National Aquarium’s Membership Month
Beat the Heat at the National Aquarium & Port Discovery
National Aquarium: Waterblog
Celebrate Summer at the National Aquarium and Pier Six Pavillion
Shark Week at the National Aquarium: It’s something to smile about!
Shark Week at the National Aquarium: It never gets old!
Shark Week at the National Aquarium: It’s big!
What Are Driving Directions to Harbor Park Garage?
What Are Walking Directions from Harbor Park Garage?
Where is the closest parking garage to the National Aquarium?
Thank You for your consideration.